First Post

post, test, jekyll

Hey, this is the first post on my new website :) I decided to use Jekyll, a static site generator written in Ruby, which is also the engine behind GitHub Pages, to set up my page. Jekyll supports many community made themes, which made the choice of the right one for my needs pretty hard. I eventually decided that I would use WhatATheme, made by Sneha Omer and Harsh Trivedi, which is incredibly easy to set up and use. Awesome! Now I have a new and really good looking website I can use to publish strange blog posts. I added a few things like my contact information and the nyancat gif, while removing other details like a button to message me on facebook, because I don’t have facebook and the sample posts and test page, because there was no need for them to stay on the live website. I plan to regularly update this blog with interesting posts starting in the near future. In conclusion I’d say that I’m pretty happy with my new site and blog.

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