new blog, who dis?

website, jekyll, gesko, minimal-mistakes, domain, utterances, pwa

Hello everyone! I’ve got exciting news to share. I recently had to say goodbye to my old domain,, but I embraced this change to bring you something fresh. Welcome to my new blog on!

To accompany this new start, I have revamped my blog’s appearance and performance. Switching from the minimal-mistakes Jekyll theme to the more streamlined Gesko has brought many performance enhancements, making the site more efficient and visually appealing.

Privacy matters to me. So I took the liberty of ripping out Google Tags (GTags) from Gesko and switched from Disqus to for comments. requires less tracking, no Disqus account as it works with Github, and importantly, it’s ad-free! All that while looking pretty cool, as you can see below:

To improve the ux even further, I’ve implemented a service worker to cache pages in the background. This means that all pages get saved and you’ll be able to access them without an Internet connection, reducing your data usage. Plus, this also allows me to turn my site into a PWA, which you can add to your home screen or access via the button in the top left of the search bar on desktop.


All in all I’m happy with the switch since the blog is now snappier than ever before, and I can’t wait to write more blog posts. So, stay tuned for more posts!